MTV Get Off The Air
What the hell happened to MTV?
I am not going to be grumpy old new-waver who complains that they don't show videos all day long. But for a network that constantly wanted to define the cutting edge, they seem to want out of the game.
They stopped showing videos 20 years ago, but created some of the best shows on television to take their place. That may seem hard to believe, but a roster of their best (Beavis and Butt-head, Daria, True Life, Wonder Showzen) outperforms the shows created by most basic cable outlets, and their constantly creative bumpers, ads, etc, were far ahead of the sentimental dreck created by Lifetime.
Even when the started showing unwatchable reality TV like The Hills, they could still create a double-edged sword of a show like My Super Sweet Sixteen, a perfect show for an era where instantly indulging a child's every whim takes precedence helping a child become a fully functioing adult. Trust me, someday the subversive genius of My Super Sweet Sixteen will be fully appreciated.
But I flipped by MTV the other day, and they were showing South Park reruns. South Park is a great show, but when did MTV start re-running culturally relevant shows instead of creating them? And "culturally relevant" is a changing term, as the rerun was about 10 years old. What teenager is going to want to watch that?
While re-running South Park is somewhat defensible because of the quality of the show, the next show aired was Grounded For Life. Grounded for Life? A failed sitcom from a few years back is now in rotation on cutting-edge MTV? Even a crappy video made in the last three months would be a better choice than Grounded For Life.
And MTV is going to keep going down this road, as it announced plans to air reruns of Buffy the Vampire Slayer next year. Buffy is a classic show, but "classic" is not what they do best (and we have niche channel VH1 Classic should we feel the need to go that route).
The title for this post comes from a song by The Dead Kennedys that came out over 20 years ago. "20 years ago" is starting to look like the audience MTV is shooting for. I don't know why they would abandon their brand image they have worked so long to create. No one my age is watching MTV, even though they seem to want to program to that demographic.
I guess MTV grew up, wants to settle down, and think about the glory days of its past. Maybe they should just show the video of "Glory Days" 24-7. (Do the kids still say "24-7?")
I am not going to be grumpy old new-waver who complains that they don't show videos all day long. But for a network that constantly wanted to define the cutting edge, they seem to want out of the game.
They stopped showing videos 20 years ago, but created some of the best shows on television to take their place. That may seem hard to believe, but a roster of their best (Beavis and Butt-head, Daria, True Life, Wonder Showzen) outperforms the shows created by most basic cable outlets, and their constantly creative bumpers, ads, etc, were far ahead of the sentimental dreck created by Lifetime.
Even when the started showing unwatchable reality TV like The Hills, they could still create a double-edged sword of a show like My Super Sweet Sixteen, a perfect show for an era where instantly indulging a child's every whim takes precedence helping a child become a fully functioing adult. Trust me, someday the subversive genius of My Super Sweet Sixteen will be fully appreciated.
But I flipped by MTV the other day, and they were showing South Park reruns. South Park is a great show, but when did MTV start re-running culturally relevant shows instead of creating them? And "culturally relevant" is a changing term, as the rerun was about 10 years old. What teenager is going to want to watch that?
While re-running South Park is somewhat defensible because of the quality of the show, the next show aired was Grounded For Life. Grounded for Life? A failed sitcom from a few years back is now in rotation on cutting-edge MTV? Even a crappy video made in the last three months would be a better choice than Grounded For Life.
And MTV is going to keep going down this road, as it announced plans to air reruns of Buffy the Vampire Slayer next year. Buffy is a classic show, but "classic" is not what they do best (and we have niche channel VH1 Classic should we feel the need to go that route).
The title for this post comes from a song by The Dead Kennedys that came out over 20 years ago. "20 years ago" is starting to look like the audience MTV is shooting for. I don't know why they would abandon their brand image they have worked so long to create. No one my age is watching MTV, even though they seem to want to program to that demographic.
I guess MTV grew up, wants to settle down, and think about the glory days of its past. Maybe they should just show the video of "Glory Days" 24-7. (Do the kids still say "24-7?")
At 12:02 PM,
Loyce said…
I worked for a cable company in Amarillo, Texas in 1980-83. I remember when MTV had it's debut. There were some pretty great video's back then. The 80's had a lot of great songs to include county also.
Soap Suds
At 4:16 PM,
Dimitri said…
MTV doesn't really need to be on the air anyway. Mindless entertainment of which no one learns anything useful. But, that's probably my boarding school mentality coming out again. Still..
At 7:24 PM,
Paige said…
Ah I totally agree. MTV is a waste of time these days. If you're older then 14 you don't watch it, and if you're younger then that you probably shouldn't be watching it.
At 2:28 PM,
-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said…
God blessa youse -Fr. Sarducci, ol SNL ...'cuz you gonna need it when you view OUR blogs, brudda
At 2:27 PM,
80sMom said…
I enjoyed your blog. You may like mine as well. I wanted to follow but you need to get yourself one of those follow thingamajigs.
At 3:28 PM,
At Home Together said…
Here's a comment from the 51-year old in the peanut gallery. I remember when MTV launched, and I loved it. I loved the music, the VJ's, the videos, the commercials with the astronaut. My favorite group was ASIA, and I lived for their videos. My friends would come over to our house and we would watch videos forever! But it went downhill quickly and lost its character. I think that Madonna changed everything; she "pushed the envelope" with her videos and music. I have thought about this over the years, and I think she is really the line in the sand marking when the network changed.
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