Family Values Include Getting Fired
Thank God the virtues of the eternially imperiled American family (I love that phrase, coined by Dan Savage) were strong enough to withhold the pounding they took when Melanie Martinez hosted The Good Night Show. Her amoral reign of terror came to an end today when she was fired by PBSprout. Click on the link to read why she was fired.
If you are like me, you never heard of the show. Basically, it is three hours of wind down programing to get your preschoolers ready for bed. It runs in three hour blocks, from 6PM to 3AM, in case your kid's wind down time starts at 2AM.
I can't imagine why our tax dollars (it's PBS) are being spent to read bedtime stories to kids. Isn't that what parents are supposed to do? Especially the "family values" crowd, who carry on and on about how modern society is ruining their children. I would think these people would relish spending time with their children (not just talking about spending time with their children), instead, they just plop their kids in front of the TV and start surfing the Internet for free porn.
Here's where the hypocracy comes in. Melanie was fired because some comments she made in a video seven years ago were deemed inappropriate and would undermine her credibility with the audience. Her audience is a bunch of three-year-old that don't even comprehend the concept of credibility. All they want is someone with a pleasant voice to read them a story.
This firing was done to placate the parents. The same parents who probably slept with their high school sweetheart, did drugs in college, call in sick to play golf, and do all sorts of other things for which they don't want to be judged. They would say "That is just something I did, don't judge me as a person by it". Yet they will stand in judgment over comments made by a TV host.
It is possible that these parents will band together and demand Melanie be reinstated, and I will look like an overreacting jerk. Please make me look like an overreacting jerk.
If you are like me, you never heard of the show. Basically, it is three hours of wind down programing to get your preschoolers ready for bed. It runs in three hour blocks, from 6PM to 3AM, in case your kid's wind down time starts at 2AM.
I can't imagine why our tax dollars (it's PBS) are being spent to read bedtime stories to kids. Isn't that what parents are supposed to do? Especially the "family values" crowd, who carry on and on about how modern society is ruining their children. I would think these people would relish spending time with their children (not just talking about spending time with their children), instead, they just plop their kids in front of the TV and start surfing the Internet for free porn.
Here's where the hypocracy comes in. Melanie was fired because some comments she made in a video seven years ago were deemed inappropriate and would undermine her credibility with the audience. Her audience is a bunch of three-year-old that don't even comprehend the concept of credibility. All they want is someone with a pleasant voice to read them a story.
This firing was done to placate the parents. The same parents who probably slept with their high school sweetheart, did drugs in college, call in sick to play golf, and do all sorts of other things for which they don't want to be judged. They would say "That is just something I did, don't judge me as a person by it". Yet they will stand in judgment over comments made by a TV host.
It is possible that these parents will band together and demand Melanie be reinstated, and I will look like an overreacting jerk. Please make me look like an overreacting jerk.
At 1:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
First of all, 80% for PBS funds come from Non-federal revnue. 26% come from state revnue. That leaves us with 46% funded by our taxes. 54% of the money comes from prive sources, grants, endowments, etc... and that seems to be the majority. They have the right to pick and choose who the host of THE GOODNIGHT SHOW should be. Unfortunatly that is how it is. But,it seems that she was just trying to caution young women about having sex too early. I do not have a problem with this.
As for why our tax dollars are being spent reading bedtime stories to children,(46%). It is because of the dual income family. There is no such thing as "2 cars for every garage" in the modern world without the dual income. It pains me when my children want to throw a baseball or a softball and i cannot do it because I have to go to work. Some of us did not have the pleasure of Mommy & Daddy sending us to school, so we could live off of the fat of the land and wake up when we were 32 and have our futures waiting for us. But that is all I have to say about that. We need quality programing to replace all of the garbage on T.V. It is easy for someone with no children to say that they could make time every day to read to their children. In reality, it is a daily struggle to sit down at the dinner table and have dinner as a family. So if we must spend a few tax dollars to read stories to our children at the local libary, or on T.V. so be it.
The firing was done to placate the parents, but even with their past sins,(and ours), I do not know a single three year old that can write a check. Majority Rules.
P.S. Check out Big Train on The tin man sketch is classic.
At 8:05 AM,
Bluey said…
Is 46% funded by our taxes supposed to placate Beukey's view, which, surprisingly, I agree with 100%.
Parents make a choice not to spend time with their family. If people didn't come home and sit in front of their TV's or computers, they'd have plenty of time for their kids. Everybody has choices to make regarding how they spend their time. I worked two jobs when my kids were small and I still had time for them at bedtime. And their mother was home with them full time. It wasn't easy. We had only a modest house and not much luxury. If you'd rather have 2 cars in the garage and a whole host of toys that adults seem to "need" these days, you have your own dumb asses to blame and your kids will eventually realize that you chose not to spend time with them. Kids aren't stupid.
And when the kids are long gone, their parents will wonder where the years went and why their kids return the favor when choosing their nursing home.
There really is no excuse. I get tired of hearing this stupid assed argument from friends of mine. Take a little responsibility and make some sacrifices. Why bother to have a family if all you're going to do is sit the kids in front of a TV for tasks as simple as bedtime reading.
Try forgetting about videos on U-tube and go spend time with your kids.
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