Beukey on Pop Culture

This blog will focus on pop culture, with an emphasis on views outside, overlooked, or ignored by the mainstream. I may veer off-topic. We are all grown-ups, so don't act shocked at occasional bad language. This blog is not the place for those of you who stood in line to see "The Lake House".

Thursday, February 15, 2007

TV Party Tonight!

Although I write about pop culture, I have to admit to not keeping up with the hardware end of things. I still don't have an ipod, my cell phone is 4 years old yet I keep putting off replacing it, etc., etc.

But last week I finally made the leap to get the Tivo-like thing that my cable company offers.

The reason I did this is that a bunch of my favorite shows are returning, plus I keep coming across shows I would like to watch, but I am never around when they are on. I jumped in right away, started recording things, so I could soon be watching more TV than ever (yeah!)

So I want to share with you the things I think are worth recording, and some comments on why.

Beukey's Tivo-like thing will be recording:

  • The Sopranos
  • The Shield (which was awesome last season, but the plot revolves so much on what has happened in the past that I think it would be hard for someone to jump in now)
  • Moral Orel (on Adult Swim, it's a takeoff on Davey and Goliath, even done in the same Claymation style)
  • 30 Rock (getting better as it goes)
  • The Sarah Silverman Show (for obvious reasons)
  • Law and Order SVU (yeah, I know it jumped the shark a season and a half ago, but I have closure issues with TV shows, once I start, I usually can't stop watching, no matter how bad it gets)
  • Entourage (which should run right after The Sopranos)
  • The Simpsons
  • American Dad
  • South Park (when a new season starts)

That's all I can think of for now. Am I missing anything? I have no interest in watching The Office.


  • At 8:02 AM, Blogger David said…

    Uh, Pittsburgh Sports Tonight? Arrested Development reruns? Naked Trucker and T-Bone? That Bunny Ranch show on HBO?

  • At 12:16 PM, Blogger David said…

    PS - I have real tivo and it was kind enough to tape Moral Orel for me without being programmed to do so; apparently it thought that since I liked Stella, Reno 911 and Strangers with Candy, I fit the demo. Haven't peeped it yet, will get back to ya.

    PPS - I finally started watching 24 this season. Great first ep but it's already starting to bore me. I know there's a lot of backstory I missed, but why all the screen time for Milo, Morris, and gross Chloe?

  • At 8:23 PM, Blogger Scott Silverman said…

    There are a few that I know won't meet Beukey's high standards, so I won't mention them. But, I will mention Curb Your Enthusiasm and The Daily Show.

  • At 3:21 PM, Blogger Beukey said…

    I have cable, so I don't think I can get Pittsburgh Sports tonight. Never watched Arrested Development, have no plans to now. If you want to watch a Naked Male Trucker, fine, but I'll pass. And that show has a guy who was unfunny in "Anchorman", so I don't expect him to be funny now. That Bunny Ranch show gets repetitive real quick, I think G-String Divas was much more interesting. Bunny Ranch seems to get bogged down in the running of the business, which I don't find interesting, G-String more explored the personalities of the dancers and why people came to strip clubs, not the mundane business details of running the club. I never really got into "Curb" or "Daily Show"

  • At 4:49 AM, Blogger Beukey said…

    Just when I bag on "Law and Order SVU", they aired their best episode in a long time on Tuesday. So if you TiVo'd it, watch it for an example of what this show is like at the top of its game.

  • At 6:54 PM, Blogger Culinary Herb said…

    My computer has a TV tuner built in, and it records like TiVo or a cable DVR. I love it. I actually just discovered Law & Order SVU about a year ago, and I have been recording the new shows as well as the reruns on USA. Same with the Sopranos. I never saw it, because I don't subscribe to HBO, so I'm getting the A&E reruns. What is your opinion of the original CSI? It's another show that I record that I didn't start watching until last season. I think most of the early shows were pretty solid, but some of the newer episodes are hit and miss, IMO.

  • At 5:03 PM, Blogger Beukey said…

    I have never watched an original episode of CSI. I saw one episode of the version that had David Caruso in it. His acting was so bad I could never watch it again.

    You have to watch "The Sopranos" unedited to get the full effect. I think all the episodes (except for the upcoming season) on on DVD, so put them in you Netflix queue. The episodes are better than 99% of the movies released today.


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