TV Party Tonight!
Although I write about pop culture, I have to admit to not keeping up with the hardware end of things. I still don't have an ipod, my cell phone is 4 years old yet I keep putting off replacing it, etc., etc.
But last week I finally made the leap to get the Tivo-like thing that my cable company offers.
The reason I did this is that a bunch of my favorite shows are returning, plus I keep coming across shows I would like to watch, but I am never around when they are on. I jumped in right away, started recording things, so I could soon be watching more TV than ever (yeah!)
So I want to share with you the things I think are worth recording, and some comments on why.
Beukey's Tivo-like thing will be recording:
But last week I finally made the leap to get the Tivo-like thing that my cable company offers.
The reason I did this is that a bunch of my favorite shows are returning, plus I keep coming across shows I would like to watch, but I am never around when they are on. I jumped in right away, started recording things, so I could soon be watching more TV than ever (yeah!)
So I want to share with you the things I think are worth recording, and some comments on why.
Beukey's Tivo-like thing will be recording:
- The Sopranos
- The Shield (which was awesome last season, but the plot revolves so much on what has happened in the past that I think it would be hard for someone to jump in now)
- Moral Orel (on Adult Swim, it's a takeoff on Davey and Goliath, even done in the same Claymation style)
- 30 Rock (getting better as it goes)
- The Sarah Silverman Show (for obvious reasons)
- Law and Order SVU (yeah, I know it jumped the shark a season and a half ago, but I have closure issues with TV shows, once I start, I usually can't stop watching, no matter how bad it gets)
- Entourage (which should run right after The Sopranos)
- The Simpsons
- American Dad
- South Park (when a new season starts)
That's all I can think of for now. Am I missing anything? I have no interest in watching The Office.
At 8:02 AM,
David said…
Uh, Pittsburgh Sports Tonight? Arrested Development reruns? Naked Trucker and T-Bone? That Bunny Ranch show on HBO?
At 12:16 PM,
David said…
PS - I have real tivo and it was kind enough to tape Moral Orel for me without being programmed to do so; apparently it thought that since I liked Stella, Reno 911 and Strangers with Candy, I fit the demo. Haven't peeped it yet, will get back to ya.
PPS - I finally started watching 24 this season. Great first ep but it's already starting to bore me. I know there's a lot of backstory I missed, but why all the screen time for Milo, Morris, and gross Chloe?
At 8:23 PM,
Scott Silverman said…
There are a few that I know won't meet Beukey's high standards, so I won't mention them. But, I will mention Curb Your Enthusiasm and The Daily Show.
At 3:21 PM,
Beukey said…
I have cable, so I don't think I can get Pittsburgh Sports tonight. Never watched Arrested Development, have no plans to now. If you want to watch a Naked Male Trucker, fine, but I'll pass. And that show has a guy who was unfunny in "Anchorman", so I don't expect him to be funny now. That Bunny Ranch show gets repetitive real quick, I think G-String Divas was much more interesting. Bunny Ranch seems to get bogged down in the running of the business, which I don't find interesting, G-String more explored the personalities of the dancers and why people came to strip clubs, not the mundane business details of running the club. I never really got into "Curb" or "Daily Show"
At 4:49 AM,
Beukey said…
Just when I bag on "Law and Order SVU", they aired their best episode in a long time on Tuesday. So if you TiVo'd it, watch it for an example of what this show is like at the top of its game.
At 6:54 PM,
Culinary Herb said…
My computer has a TV tuner built in, and it records like TiVo or a cable DVR. I love it. I actually just discovered Law & Order SVU about a year ago, and I have been recording the new shows as well as the reruns on USA. Same with the Sopranos. I never saw it, because I don't subscribe to HBO, so I'm getting the A&E reruns. What is your opinion of the original CSI? It's another show that I record that I didn't start watching until last season. I think most of the early shows were pretty solid, but some of the newer episodes are hit and miss, IMO.
At 5:03 PM,
Beukey said…
I have never watched an original episode of CSI. I saw one episode of the version that had David Caruso in it. His acting was so bad I could never watch it again.
You have to watch "The Sopranos" unedited to get the full effect. I think all the episodes (except for the upcoming season) on on DVD, so put them in you Netflix queue. The episodes are better than 99% of the movies released today.
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