Why Will Ferrell Isn't Funny
Today on the pudfest that is ESPN's Mike and Mike, they felt the need to take time away from talking about sports to talk about the new Will Ferrell movie. You know, the one that doesn't have anything to do with what's going on in the real sports world. Greenberg, who would pass out from excitement at a supermarket opening, gushed that Ferrell is "great" as he and Golic went onto list all the "funny" movies Ferrell made.
(By the way, has anyone noticed that left-handed insult directed at his wife that is part of his book's title? It's called in part Why My Wife Thinks I'm An Idiot. If your wife thinks you're an idiot, and she married you, doesn't that make her stupider that you? Why would she marry someone who she thought was an idiot? Not a very intelligent decision.)
Why does the public constantly have to be told how "funny" Will Ferrell is? If he was really funny,wouldn't the public figure that out for itself? Instead, the PR people plant this story everywhere they can, and stains like Greenberg stick to the script in front of them.
So as a public service I am going to tell you why Will Ferrell isn't funny.
No matter the situation, no matter the character, Will has one trick that he uses over and over to be "funny". He delivers his lines in an earnest manner, AND HE TALKS REALLY LOUD!
In the commercial for Talladega Nights, he runs around in his underwear screaming because he thinks he is on fire, even though it would be obvious to anyone (especially himself) that he's not on fire. And he also thinks he is paralyzed, so he screams his lines and plunges a knife into his leg (and screams again).
He talked loudly and earnestly in Old School. He talked loudly and earnestly in Anchorman. He was screaming (and presumably kicking) in Kicking and Screaming.
Boy, I can't wait to see what mischief he gets into next summer. It will be so different from the movies he released this year.
(By the way, has anyone noticed that left-handed insult directed at his wife that is part of his book's title? It's called in part Why My Wife Thinks I'm An Idiot. If your wife thinks you're an idiot, and she married you, doesn't that make her stupider that you? Why would she marry someone who she thought was an idiot? Not a very intelligent decision.)
Why does the public constantly have to be told how "funny" Will Ferrell is? If he was really funny,wouldn't the public figure that out for itself? Instead, the PR people plant this story everywhere they can, and stains like Greenberg stick to the script in front of them.
So as a public service I am going to tell you why Will Ferrell isn't funny.
No matter the situation, no matter the character, Will has one trick that he uses over and over to be "funny". He delivers his lines in an earnest manner, AND HE TALKS REALLY LOUD!
In the commercial for Talladega Nights, he runs around in his underwear screaming because he thinks he is on fire, even though it would be obvious to anyone (especially himself) that he's not on fire. And he also thinks he is paralyzed, so he screams his lines and plunges a knife into his leg (and screams again).
He talked loudly and earnestly in Old School. He talked loudly and earnestly in Anchorman. He was screaming (and presumably kicking) in Kicking and Screaming.
Boy, I can't wait to see what mischief he gets into next summer. It will be so different from the movies he released this year.
At 1:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
I can't stand most comedies that are puked out of Hollywood nowadays, especially those that feature one trick-pony, SNL characters from the '90's & beyond. Most of 'em weren't funny on SNL, so how the hell can they pull off a major motion picture? Even the classic, funny SNL characters got old at some point in their careers--Chevy Chase, Dan Ackroyd, Bill Murray, Eddie Murphy...I have to admit that I did like Chris Farley, and his Chippedale skit with Patrick Swayze is one of my favories. IF I want to hear nonsense , screaming and hysteria, I will watch Sponge Bob!!! I find Squidward's disdain for idiocy & his sarcasm refreshing!!
At 12:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
I completely agree about Will Ferrell not being funny, but I have one exception. The skit on SNL where Christopher Walken plays the character of Bruce Dickenson, music producer, and Will Ferrell plays a member of Blue Oyster Cult playing a cowbell is one of the great SNL skits ever. Will barely says a word through the entire skit. "I got a fever, and the only cure is more cowbell."
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