Beukey on Pop Culture

This blog will focus on pop culture, with an emphasis on views outside, overlooked, or ignored by the mainstream. I may veer off-topic. We are all grown-ups, so don't act shocked at occasional bad language. This blog is not the place for those of you who stood in line to see "The Lake House".

Monday, October 16, 2006

Bankrupt Tower Records Is Liquidating

What else is there to say except that this totally sucks (sorry for not being eloquent). The franchise was an institution. You could find an amazing amount of product there, certainly more than a Best Buy and (sorry, but it has to be said) more than any independent store I had ever been in. Now when I want to buy something and have it right now, I have to go to Best Buy where selection is limited, and the clerks all want to sell me a cell phone and an HDTV. Or go to Borders, where I have to chase down a clerk so they can unlock a cabinet so I pick up the box set I want to see.


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