Beukey on Pop Culture

This blog will focus on pop culture, with an emphasis on views outside, overlooked, or ignored by the mainstream. I may veer off-topic. We are all grown-ups, so don't act shocked at occasional bad language. This blog is not the place for those of you who stood in line to see "The Lake House".

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Washington Post Corrects Critical Error

The Washington Post runs a section called "Free For All", where people usually whine if they feel their pet cause is somehow demeened in print by the Post. However, they sometimes run important corrections, like the following which appeared on 10/07/06:

To avoid yet another distortion of history, please advise your staff that Sgt. Schultz in "Hogan's Heroes" was not a concentration camp guard [Washington Sketch, Sept. 29].

The show was set in a Luftwaffe prisoner-of-war camp, a Luftstalag. POW camps were not considered to be concentration camps.
-- Jacques H. Croom

They also ran an old publicity still of Hogan and Klink with the article.


  • At 6:29 AM, Blogger Bluey said…

    That is a scream. Someone actually took time out of their lives to defend a fictional character in a sitcom that ran about a million years ago.

    The Post must have had a slow week of letters.


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