Beukey on Pop Culture

This blog will focus on pop culture, with an emphasis on views outside, overlooked, or ignored by the mainstream. I may veer off-topic. We are all grown-ups, so don't act shocked at occasional bad language. This blog is not the place for those of you who stood in line to see "The Lake House".

Sunday, September 21, 2008

No TV Party Tonight

I know it's been a while since a post, but a little thing called "reality" has a way of taking up most of my time nowadays. I'm loathe to discuss my non-pop culture life here, but the economy, which is messing up everyone's life, is also affecting mine. Except that I have what I would call an "anti-economy" job, by which I mean, the worse the overall economy is, the more time I have to spend working. Since things are pretty screwed over now, you can imagine how much time I spend in the office.

On top of that, my TV died. I poured a 40 over the picture tube and dragged it out to the curb. The upside is I have an HDTV coming soon, just in time for hockey season, 30 Rock, and the last half of Mad Men.

To start with a clean slate for fall, here are the capsule reviews of what I watched over the summer/what I plan to watch over the fall: X-Files movie: sucked beyond belief, horrific box office, let's hope the series is dead and buired; Tropic Thunder: Uneven, but funny; The Dark Night: Don't miss it; Futurama: The Beast With A Billion Backs: Better than the last Futurama DVD; Mad Men: Still great, why are you reading this instead of watching it?; The Shield: Gotta catch up when the new TV arrives; Dollhouse: Was highly anticipating the series' January debut, now worried about quality.