Beukey on Pop Culture

This blog will focus on pop culture, with an emphasis on views outside, overlooked, or ignored by the mainstream. I may veer off-topic. We are all grown-ups, so don't act shocked at occasional bad language. This blog is not the place for those of you who stood in line to see "The Lake House".

Sunday, June 28, 2009

I'm Supposed To Be Sad That There Is One Less Pervert In The World?

Maybe this is a sign of maturity, or maybe it is a sign of the early advance of old age, but I find it very hard to find Michael Jackson a sympathetic figure, much less understand the hysteria over his death. I had expected that the baby boomers "end of a era" caterwauling over the inevitable death of Bob Dylan to be the most annoying music related spectacle I would have to endure, but this death is already taking on Elvis-like proportions. Already we have the "mysterious doctor", 10 years from now, we'll have stories that MJ didn't really die, and he was "sighted" preparing for a comeback tour.

People want to print any over the top statement they can, but they don't want to examine the facts of his life, and what likely lead to his death. The most unbelievable thing I read was that MJ, who is about as apolitical a figure in music that you will find, had a great (although previously publicly unstated) desire to see the reunification of Korea. Yes, you read that right.

Micheal Jackson lived in a self-constructed prison of gold bars. And he invited little boys in there to spend time with him. He even admitted to sharing his bed with minors. If your next-door neighbor made such an admission, you would punch him in the face. But with Michael, it's all supposed to be taken in stride and forgiven, because he provided entertainment to people, and he had a rough childhood. Awwwwwwww!

People may be temporarily shocked by his death, but they can hardly be surprised. Anyone who has abused painkillers in the way that MJ did stands a good chance of dying early. Anyone who underwent as much plastic surgery as he did is placing a unnecessary burden on their body. He also seemed to have a Bear Stearns attitude towards his finances, and may have been as much as $500 million in debt at the time he died.

It has been said that MJ regressed into some type of child-like stage many years ago. If that is true, it is hardly something to be envied or emulated. All I see is someone who indulged himself in painkillers, debt, and other "activities" without much concern to his overall well being. If he doesn't care enough to take care of himself, why should his death surprise us?