Paul McCartney, whose has coasted on his reputation as the cute Beatle for 4 plus decades, could find himself, in this ever-changing relationship in which he lives in, not looking so cute. According to his wife, they were not like ebony and ivory, living together in perfect harmony.
Although he has not expressed any sympathy towards his wife, sources say Paul has expresses how sorry he was to his Unlce Albert in a repetative manner.
Several things about this story (and similar media divorce stories) are annoying to me because everyone shys away from the obvious unsettled issues such as:
Heather says she was abused by Paul on four separate occasions, and was once stabbed with a wine bottle. Paul will presumably deny this. Well, it either happened or it didn't. Somebody is a total liar, but that person will never be called on it.
Heather says Paul is an alcoholic and heavy drug user, and she knew this before she got married. If this is true, what a wise choice for a husband she made. And it was also a great decision to have a child with this 60+ drunk. He is sure to be a steady father figure. And 60 is just so the right age to have a child. (Seriously, do people even take their child's welfare into account when they have a kid at 60?) With decisions like this, it appears Heather cares more about baby seals than the welfare of her daughter.